


How to solve problems 🦢Why I’m solving Aging

Fiction 📓The Hike

Other Projects Arcadia DEEPWAVE

You can comment on everything. Or give me (harsh) personal feedback.

Made with 💙 by me (how to).

Dedicated to my family.


Status: Ongoing List Epistemic status: These are some personal experiments I ran over the last years


Vipassana Meditation (Jan 2022)

What: I went to a Dh

Outcome: Intuitive understanding of what actions cause my glucose to spike or stabilize, and how high glucose “feels”.

Recommended: Extreme Yes

ROI: Infinite (0 cost, just upside)

It also looks cool, and is a good party topic. Nothing beats showing off by ramming a needle into your arm.


Working with an Assistant (Nov 2022 - ongoing)

What: I hired an Executive Assistant (with Athena)

Outcome: I have become a team 🙂 It’s incredible (to me) how much more things you can get done, if you get into the mindset of playing life co-op. Hiring for a support



CGI - or spiking yourself with needle for science (Nov 2022)

What: I used a Continuous Glucose Monitor (supersapiens.com) for 6 weeks

Outcome: Intuitive understanding of what actions cause my glucose to spike or stabilize, and how high glucose “feels”.

Recommended: Yes

ROI: Ok.

It also looks cool, and is a good party topic. Nothing beats showing off by ramming a needle into your arm.

Keto (Nov 2022 - Ongoing)

What: I used a Continuous Glucose Monitor (supersapiens.com) for 6 weeks

Outcome: Intuitive understanding of what actions cause my glucose to spike or stabilize, and how high glucose “feels”.

Recommended: Yes

ROI: Ok.

It also looks cool, and is a good party topic. Nothing beats showing off by ramming a needle into your arm.